The difference between the regular sauna and the sauna of the Turkish bath
do you have to choose the sauna for the Turkish bath program, or the regular sauna?
Our Services Booking In Spa is a licensed company that provides Turkish bath services, massage, sauna, steam bath and best body care methods for men, women, children and families.
We have a special program to take care of your face skin, as it is one of the most important areas in your body. This program will relax your skin through nice movements and soft massage in 60 minutes, it also speeds up the blood circulation and detoxes your body at the same time. Your …
Don’t miss the warm, useful sauna experience for your body and clear mind. Booking In SPA provides a sauna program to comfort your mind and body, it’s a necessary activity for a better healthy life. The high humidity rate in the steam room makes the moisture loss of the skin less and the skin doesn’t …
Massage Do you know that your body gets rid of between 30000 and 40000 skin cells daily? Clean your skin from dead cells and impurities using our peeling session, Enjoying a magical environment and warm, charming atmosphere, our seasoned team gives you an ultimate massage session. You can choose between the 4 diversified bath sessions …
Turkish hamam The Turkish hamam dates back to the time of the Ottoman Empire, it is a bathing experience that relaxes and refreshes your body and soul. You will get rid of stress, fatigue and exhaustion, enjoy the gentle heat and steam on your skin, then have a foamy massage with the best handmade olive …
Deloxe Program The program starts in the sauna room for 15 minutes, then in the steam room for 15 minutes, then going to the Turkish bath. Inside the Turkish bath, we do a body scrub, and fool body mud bath then a foaming soap for the body, then the client goes to the relaxation room, …